will be announced here when ready.P&P Conference organization will provide grants to students working in the field of proteins and peptides for assisting to the 5th edition of P&P Conference and presenting their work during the event.

The grant will cover conference registration, travel and accommodation costs.



  • Recipients must be enrolled (full-time) in a graduate research (MSc, PhD or Post doc) degree program.
  • Students must be presenting a poster at the P&P 2025 conference.


Important Dates

  • The Grant application is now open until – will be announced here when ready. 
  • The Grant results communication – will be announced here when ready. 


Notification and Reimbursement

  • Applicants will be notified via email on the results of the grant application .
  • Conference registration will be automatically validated.
  • Hotel reservation, travel expenses and fees will be managed by the conference organization.

The grant submission is closed

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By submitting this form, you give your consent for your personal data to be processed by Proteins & Peptides Conference. The information collected on this form is sent by email to Proteins & Peptides Conference in order to respond to your request. This information may be recorded on a computerized contact file of Proteins & Peptides Conference and will be treated confidentially. They are kept for 3 years and are intended for Proteins & Peptides Conference. In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation, you can exercise your right of access to your data and have it rectified by contacting: Proteins & Peptides Conference – Fondation pour Recherches Medicales – 64, avenue de la Roseraie – 1205 Geneva – Switzerland, in order to respond to your request.



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